
Svelte 5 Email

Svelte 5 Email
Designing emails has never been easier.

Documentation · GitHub


This is an updated version of svelte-email to work w/ Svelte 5 and written in vanilla javascript.

After seeing react-email I have decided to create a similar library for Svelte. svelte-email enables you to write and design email templates with svelte and render them to HTML or plain text.


Install the package to your existing SvelteKit project:

npm install @sveltelaunch/svelte-5-email
pnpm install @sveltelaunch/svelte-5-email

Getting started

1. Create an email using Svelte


    import { Button, Hr, Html, Text } from 'svelte-email';

    export let name = 'World';

<Html lang="en">
        Hello, {name}!
    <Hr />
    <Button href="">Visit Svelte</Button>

2. Send email

This example uses Nodemailer to send the email. You can use any other email service provider.


import { render } from 'svelte-email';
import Hello from '$lib/emails/Hello.svelte';
import nodemailer from 'nodemailer';

const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
    host: '',
    port: 587,
    secure: false,
    auth: {
        user: 'my_user',
        pass: 'my_password'

const emailHtml = render({
    template: Hello,
    props: {
        name: 'Svelte'

const options = {
    from: '[email protected]',
    to: '[email protected]',
    subject: 'hello world',
    html: emailHtml



For more information, please visit the documentation.


A set of standard components to help you build amazing emails without having to deal with the mess of creating table-based layouts and maintaining archaic markup.


Emails built with React Email can be converted into HTML and sent using any email service provider. Here are some examples:


Author of original Svelte Project

Authors of the original project react-email

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