Page for Dynga.
This is a summary of the essential project structure with an explanation of each element.
functions/ <-- Firebase Cloud Functions for SSR
renderer/ <-- Auto-generated JavaScript for SSR functions
index.js <-- Functions for Cloud Function deployment
src/ <-- Standard SvelteKit project structure
static/ <-- Static files for the Dynga-Web app
tests/ <-- Tests for the Dynga-Web app
database-rules.json <-- Realtime Database (Firebase) security rules
firebase.json <-- Firebase configuration
package.json <-- Node.js project / npm configuration
playwright.config.ts <-- Config for Playwright tool
svelte.config.js <-- SvelteKit configuration <-- Development-specific TypeScript configuration
tsconfig.json <-- Regular TypeScript configuration
vite.config.js <-- Vite dev server configuration
All design decisions that stray from the standard design are mentioned here.
Due to the beta status of SvelteKit and associated adapter I had to make a compromise in terms of TypeScript usage. Originally, this project was intended to be purely TypeScript, but due to the bugginess of the adapter's TypeScript integration (see relevant issue here) it just turned out to be simpler to switch to regular JavaScript.
Because of code for SSR being auto-generated, linting is difficult to accomplish. In addition, the auto-generated JavaScript utilises rather new ECMAScript features like the ??=
opertor which cause ESLint to error if the appropriate environment variables for ECMAScript toggles are not on.