SvelteKit-Discord-OAuth2 Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Discord Oauth2

A simple example of how to use Discord OAuth2 with SvelteKit

  • Uses v10 of Discord API.
  • Uses this SvelteKit template.

Hey, I don't understand anything, OAuth2 confuses me :(

This is why I am here. Let's take this step by step :)

First you have to do a few things:

  1. Clone this repository to your development environment.
  2. Create a .env file in the root of the directory.
  3. Create an app on
  4. On the OAuth2 settings tab, create a new Redirect URI with this value http://localhost:3000/api/v1/user/auth. This is our API endpoint that will be used to authenticate the user.
  5. Add http://localhost:3000/api/v1/user/auth to your .env file as a value to DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI.
  6. Under the URL generator settings tab (OAuth2->URL Generator), click the identify scope and the guilds scope.
  7. Add the generated URL to your .env file as a value to PUBLIC_DISCORD_AUTH_URI. This is the URL the user will be redirected to, when they click the "discord" button.
  8. Get the app's client ID and client secret from the General settings tab (OAuth2->General) and add them to your .env file.

It should look something like this:


For production, follow the steps again, but generate a new DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI with your domain name instead of localhost:3000

The authentication process

  1. User clicks the Login with Discord button and they get redirected to PUBLIC_DISCORD_AUTH_URI.
  2. Assuming they successfully authorized our app in the Discord website, they will be redirected to our DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI, which is just a SvelteKit endpoint. Discord will append a code query parameter that we can use to get user data from Discord's API.
  3. In our endpoint we get the user data and the guilds they are in, then we create a new session in memory (with sessionHandler) and save the user data in it. Creating a session will return us a random ID that will be send back to the user as a cookie, just as we redirect them to /dashboard. That is so...
  4. When a user navigates to a protected route(eg. the dashboard folder), they send the cookie(automatically), then the cookie gets parsed in /src/hooks.ts, and then authorized in the /src/routes/dashboard/__layout.svelte.
  5. And now, navigating to localhost:3000/dashboard should display the user's Discord ID.


  • Type FullUser, is the authenticated user's access token properties(GrantData) and user information properties(UserData), in one type.


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