Exothermic is an open source agile story mapping tool, though storyboards are generic enough to be used for multiple excercises.
Each storyboard has the ability to add goals (rows), columns, and stories.
docker pull stevenweathers/exothermic-story-mapping
Exothermic may be configured through environment variables or via a yaml file config.yaml
located in one of:
domain: exothermic.dev
host: localhost
port: 5432
user: thor
pass: odinson
name: exothermic
For Exothermic to work correctly the following configuration items are required:
Option | Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
http.domain |
APP_DOMAIN | The domain/base URL for this instance of Exothermic. Used for creating URLs in emails. | exothermic.dev |
http.cookie_hashkey |
COOKIE_HASHKEY | Secret used to make secure cookies secure. | pyrom-maniac |
Exothermic uses a Postgres database to store all data, the following configuration options exist:
Option | Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
db.host |
DB_HOST | Database host name. | db |
db.port |
DB_PORT | Database port number. | 5432 |
db.user |
DB_USER | Database user id. | thor |
db.pass |
DB_PASS | Database user password. | odinson |
db.name |
DB_NAME | Database instance name. | exothermic |
db.sslmode |
DB_SSLMODE | Database SSL Mode (disable, allow, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full). | disable |
Exothermic sends emails for user registration related activities, the following configuration options exist:
Option | Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
smtp.host |
SMTP_HOST | Smtp server hostname. | localhost |
smtp.port |
SMTP_PORT | Smtp server port number. | 25 |
smtp.secure |
SMTP_SECURE | Set to authenticate with the Smtp server. | true |
smtp.identity |
SMTP_IDENTITY | Smtp server authorization identity. Usually unset. | |
smtp.sender |
SMTP_SENDER | From address in emails sent by Exothermic. | no-reply@exothermic.dev |
Option | Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
http.port |
PORT | Which port to listen for HTTP connections. | 8080 |
http.secure_cookie |
COOKIE_SECURE | Use secure cookies or not. | true |
http.backend_cookie_name |
BACKEND_COOKIE_NAME | The name of the backend cookie utilized for actual auth/validation | userId |
http.frontend_cookie_name |
FRONTEND_COOKIE_NAME | The name of the cookie utilized by the UI (purely for convenience not auth) | user |
http.path_prefix |
PATH_PREFIX | Prefix added to all application urls for shared domain use, in format of /{prefix} e.g. /exothermic |
analytics.enabled |
ANALYTICS_ENABLED | Enable/disable google analytics. | true |
analytics.id |
ANALYTICS_ID | Google analytics identifier. | UA-161935945-1 |
config.avatar_service |
CONFIG_AVATAR_SERVICE | Avatar service used, possible values see next paragraph | goadorable |
config.toast_timeout |
CONFIG_TOAST_TIMEOUT | Number of milliseconds before notifications are hidden. | 1000 |
config.allow_guests |
CONFIG_ALLOW_GUESTS | Whether or not to allow guest (anonymous) users. | true |
config.allow_registration |
CONFIG_ALLOW_REGISTRATION | Whether or not to allow user registration (outside Admin). | true |
config.default_locale |
CONFIG_DEFAULT_LOCALE | The default locale (language) for the UI | en |
config.allow_external_api |
CONFIG_ALLOW_EXTERNAL_API | Whether or not to allow External API access | false |
config.show_active_countries |
CONFIG_SHOW_ACTIVE_COUNTRIES | Whether or not to show active countries on landing page | false |
config.cleanup_storyboards_days_old |
CONFIG_CLEANUP_STORYBOARDS_DAYS_OLD | How many days back to clean up old storyboards, e.g. storyboards older than 180 days. Triggered manually by Admins . | 180 |
config.cleanup_guests_days_old |
CONFIG_CLEANUP_GUESTS_DAYS_OLD | How many days back to clean up old guests, e.g. guests older than 180 days. Triggered manually by Admins. | 180 |
auth.method |
AUTH_METHOD | Choose normal or ldap as authentication method. See separate section on LDAP configuration. |
normal |
Use the name from table below to configure a service - if not set, goadorable
is used. Each service provides further options which then can be configured by a user on the profile page. Once a service is configured, drop downs with the different sprites become available. The table shows all supported services and their sprites. In all cases the same ID (ead26688-5148-4f3c-a35d-1b0117b4f2a9
) has been used creating the avatars.
If auth.method
is set to ldap
, then the Create Account function is disabled and authentication
is done using LDAP. If the LDAP server authenticates a new user successfully, the Exothermic user
profile is automatically generated.
The following configuration options are specific to the LDAP authentication method:
Option | Environment Variable | Description |
auth.ldap.url |
AUTH_LDAP_URL | URL to LDAP server, typically ldap://host:port |
auth.ldap.use_tls |
AUTH_LDAP_USE_TLS | Create a TLS connection after establishing the initial connection. |
auth.ldap.bindname |
AUTH_LDAP_BINDNAME | Bind name / bind DN for connecting to LDAP. Leave empty for no authentication. |
auth.ldap.bindpass |
AUTH_LDAP_BINDPASS | Password for the bind. |
auth.ldap.basedn |
AUTH_LDAP_BASEDN | Base DN for the search for the user. |
auth.ldap.filter |
AUTH_LDAP_FILTER | Filter for searching for the user's login id. See below. |
auth.ldap.mail_attr |
AUTH_LDAP_MAIL_ATTR | The LDAP property containing the user's emil address. |
auth.ldap.cn_attr |
AUTH_LDAP_CN_ATTR | The LDAP property containing the user's name. |
The default filter
is (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(mail=%s))
. The filter must include a %s
that will be replaced by the user's login id.
The mail_attr
configuration option must point to the LDAP attribute containing the user's email address. The default is mail
The cn_attr
configuration option must point to the LDAP attribute containing the user's full name. The default is cn
On Linux, the parameters may be tested on the command line:
ldapsearch -H auth.ldap.url [-Z] -x [-D auth.ldap.bindname -W] -b auth.ldap.basedn 'auth.ldap.filter' dn auth.ldap.mail auth.ldap.cn
The -Z
is only used if auth.ldap.use_tls
is set, the -D
and -W
parameter is only used if auth.ldap.bindname
is set.
docker-compose up --build
This solution will require you to pass environment variables or setup the config file, as well as setup and manage the DB yourself.
docker build ./ -f ./build/Dockerfile -t exothermic:latest
docker run --publish 8080:8080 --name exothermic exothermic:latest
To run without docker you will need to first build, then setup the postgres DB, and pass the user, pass, name, host, and port to the application as environment variables
go get
npm install
make build
npm run build
go build
npm run autobuild
make dev-go
Run the server and visit http://localhost:8080
Using svelte-i18n Exothermic now supports Locale selection on the UI (Default en-US)
Adding new locale's involves just a couple of steps.
and frontend/public/lang/friendly/
by copying the en.json and just changing the values of all keysfrontend/config.js
objectFor those who would like to donate a small amount for my efforts or monthly hosting costs of Exothermic.dev I accept paypal.