obsidian-svelte5-template Svelte Themes

Obsidian Svelte5 Template

A template to get you up and running making Obsidian plugins with Svelte 5

Template: Obsidian Plugins with Svelte 5 (deprecated)

This template lasted for one day before I redid it. You can find the new version here: https://github.com/StevenStavrakis/obsidian-plugin-svelte-template

This is a template for building Obsidian plugins with Svelte 5. It's mostly the defualt Vite svelte-ts configuration with some additional settings to make it work with Obsidian.

This is the first version, so I'm sure I'll find things that need to be changed.


  • @types is aliased to src/types to make it easier to import types across the project.
  • Make sure to adjust your manifest.json file with the correct id, name, version, and minAppVersion values.
  • Hot reloading of the plugin in Obsidian will only work if you have a .hotreload file in directory of the plugin which you are working on.

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