Frontend-Applications Svelte Themes

Frontend Applications

This is an application to browse through toy categories made with svelte and sparql. It's live at

The Past of Toys


Toys list


This is a web application I made for a school project to visualize data for NMVW wereldculturen. The data I chose to visualize is all the data about toys. There are different toy categories you can see. Each toy will has it's own information which will be shown in a list. I made this application with a javascript framework called Svelte.

Target audience:

I made this application for children. This way they can compare the toys from the past with the toys they have right now. This will teach them a lot about history in a fun way. They can learn about which materials they used to make toys, which culture it's part of and how toys developed over time in general.

Click here to check out my concept in detail.


  • Selecting a toy category
  • Being able to view all of the toys from that type
  • Routing to different toys categories
  • Dynamically rendering all data from an API
  • Responsive website


1. Clone this repository to your computer

Run this command in your terminal:

git clone

2. Navigate into the root of the folder

Run this command in your terminal:

cd "Frontend Applications"

3. Install all depedencies

Run this command in your terminal:

npm install

4. Run the server

Run this command in your terminal:

npm run dev NOTE: Make sure you are still located in the root of the Frontend Applications folder when running this command.

5. Viewing the website

Open your browser and go to:



The data I use is provided by this API. The API contains 700.000 objects. I have written SPARQL queries to get the objects that I want.

I collect all toys from specific categories:

  • Dolls
  • Toy animals
  • Board games
  • Toy cars

These categories contain the following data that I get from the API:

  • Title
  • Culture
  • Time
  • Type
  • Location
  • Size
  • Material
Click here to see a quick example of a query I have written in SPARQL to get all dolls from the API
PREFIX dc: <> 
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX dct: <>
PREFIX edm: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
    (SAMPLE(?img) as ?img) 

?obj edm:isRelatedTo <> .
?obj edm:object <> .
?obj dc:title ?title .
?obj dc:type ?type .
?obj edm:isShownBy ?img .
?obj dct:spatial ?origin .
?obj dct:extent ?size .
?origin skos:prefLabel ?originLabel .
?obj dct:medium ?material .
?material skos:prefLabel ?materialLabel .

OPTIONAL { ?obj dct:created ?time } .
OPTIONAL { ?obj dc:subject ?culture } .
OPTIONAL { ?culture skos:prefLabel ?cultureLabel } .

FILTER langMatches(lang(?title), "ned")
} LIMIT 20
Further explanation

Click here for further explanation.


  • Svelte - Documentation about Svelte.
  • baseScript - To fetch data from API.
  • Freefrontend - To get ideas for my styling.
  • API - To get all the data I needed.


  • Roy - He helped me a couple times with my code, for example typos in my query or fixing the relative path to a local image. We also deployed our application together.

  • Sarkis - He showed me how he imported a file with a query.

Check it out!

My application is live, click here to check it out!


MIT © Stefan Gerrits

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