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.The user can surf through this website as if its a Desktop . There are four folders and a NavBar below. The four folders Home, Projects, About and Experiences and Detailed information about me . The NavBar has icons and hyperlinks to github and linkedin. Recommended : refresh at every page to be updated .
To view a demo example, click here
API. (Medium WIP)# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/Ladvace/SvelteKit-Portfolio
# Go into the repository
$ cd SvelteKit-Portfolio
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Start the project in development
$ npm run dev
Deploying your website on Netlify it's optional but I reccomand it in order to deploy it faster and easly.
You just need to fork this repo and linking it to your Netlify account.
link to my portfolio : https://main--tourmaline-souffle-5202b8.netlify.app
To make changes or regarding this project contact : sj4182@nyu.edu
78bb544 (First Commit)