āļø Simply Awesome Blog Starter built with SvelteKit and ā¤
npx degit kwchang0831/svelte-QWER my-blog
Get pnpm.
npm i -g pnpm
Install all the dependencies.
pnpm i
Run local dev server.
pnpm dev
Clean auto-generated files. (Do not commit those files to the repo.)
pnpm clean
Install Vercel CLI.
npm i -g vercel
vercel login
vercel --prod
Writing post with Markdown syntax.
Outstanding site performance. Near perfect PageSpeed score.
Mobile-First / Responsive design.
SEO friendly through meta, Open Graph, Schema, JSON-LD, microformats2.
Folder-based organization for creating posts.
Post with tags and tag filtering feature.
Post with auto generated table of content.
Automatic image optimization via vite-imagetools.
Support embedding Svelte components and Javascript with Markdown.
Supports Giscus - a comments system powerd by Github Discussions.
Utilizes UnoCSS - the instant on-demand atomic CSS engine.
i18n via typesafe-i18n.
Please read more at Intro to QWER and About QWER.
QWER is at its' very early stage. Kindly expect frequent breaking changes.
For now, if there are updates, and if you do wanna apply the upates.
Just copy and paste your user
folder to the latest release.
Watch out for the CHANGELOG to see if yor are required to migrate user/config
Please take advantage of our Github's Q&A Discussion board.
Please consider adding svelte-qwer
topic to your repository.
To see who else are using QWER, please check Github-Topics: svelte-qwer.
Cover Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash
Avatar Illustration by Liam Moore from Ouch!