
Svelte Router

A spa router for svelte based on the History API


A lightweight and flexible router for Svelte applications, leveraging the power of the Location API and path-to-regexp for advanced routing capabilities.


  • Simple and intuitive API
  • TypeScript support for enhanced developer experience
  • Lazy-loading of route components for optimized performance
  • Custom loading component support
  • Fallback route handling for 404 pages
  • Robust path matching using path-to-regexp
  • Support for path parameters and query parameters
  • Programmatic navigation


pnpm install sly-svelte-router


<script lang="ts">
  import { Router } from 'sly-svelte-router';
  import type { Routes } from 'sly-svelte-router';

  const routes: Routes = {
    '/': () => import('./routes/Home.svelte'),
    '/about': () => import('./routes/About.svelte'),
    '/user/:id': () => import('./routes/User.svelte'),
    '/posts/:category/:postId': () => {
      name: "posts",
      component: () => import('./routes/Post.svelte')
    '*': () => import('./routes/404.svelte'),

  const fallback = () => import('./routes/404.svelte');

<Router {routes} {fallback}>

Path Matching

sly-svelte-router uses path-to-regexp for powerful and flexible route matching. This allows for:

  • Named Parameters: /user/:id matches /user/123 and passes {id: '123'} as a parameter.
  • Optional Parameters: /post/:id? matches both /post/123 and /post.
  • Zero or more: /files/* matches any number of segments after /files/.
  • One or more: /files/:path+ requires at least one segment after /files/.
  • Custom matching: Use regular expressions for fine-grained control.


  • /user/:id matches /user/123
  • /post/:category/:title? matches /post/tech and /post/tech/new-article
  • /files/:path* matches /files, /files/document.pdf, /files/images/photo.jpg


Router Component

The main component for setting up routing.


  • routes: An object mapping route paths to component imports
  • fallback: A function returning a Promise that imports the fallback component

Use the navigate function for programmatic navigation:

import { navigate } from 'sly-svelte-router';

navigate('/user/123', { someState: 'value' });


Access route information reactively:

import { currentRoute, queryParams, routeState, routeHash, routeParams } from 'sly-svelte-router';

$: console.log($currentRoute); // Current route path
$: console.log($queryParams); // Map of query parameters
$: console.log($routeState); // Current route state
$: console.log($routeHash); // Current route hash
$: console.log($routeParams); // Object containing route parameters

TypeScript Support

sly-svelte-router is written in TypeScript and provides type definitions out of the box for an enhanced development experience.


Route components are lazy-loaded by default, ensuring that only the necessary code is loaded for each route, optimizing your application's performance.




Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

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