
Sveltekit Recipe App

A full stack recipe app

SvelteKit Full Stack Project

A full stack project built with SvelteKit, TypeScript, and Firebase to manage and explore recipes. This application allows users to create, read, update, delete, and search for recipes, as well as add recipes to a personal collection.

Technologies Used

  • SvelteKit
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase


  • User Authentication: Secure user authentication using Firebase.
  • Image Upload: Upload recipe images to Firebase storage.
  • Create New Recipes: Easily add new recipes with a user-friendly interface.
  • Update Recipes: Modify existing recipes to keep your collection up to date.
  • Delete Recipes: Remove recipes you no longer need with a simple click.
  • Read Recipes: View detailed information about each recipe.
  • Search Recipes: Find recipes by name, ingredients, or description using a powerful search functionality.
  • Add to Personal Collection: Save your favorite recipes to a personal collection for easy access.
  • Recipe Details Page: View comprehensive details of each recipe on a dedicated page.

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