sv-bootstrap-tooltip (Svelte Bootstrap Tooltip)

Svelte Tooltip Component for Bootstrap (Bootstrap’s tooltip plugin in svlete applications), can be used with sapper or standalone with svelte.Just like Vainilla bootstrap this plugin too is built on a third party library, Popper.js, which provides dynamic positioning and viewport detection. But Unlike Vainilla bootstrap we are using PopperJs V2 instead of V1

How to install

  1. npm install --save-dev sv-bootstrap-tooltip @rollup/plugin-replace
  2. Add below code in your rollup config
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace';
plugins: [
  ..., // Other Plugins
  ..., // Other Plugins
      'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'),
       include: '**/node_modules/**',


Bootstrap CSS needs to be present globally in project

Simple Demo

Demo link




  import Tooltip from "sv-bootstrap-tooltip";
  let referenceEle;

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" bind:this={referenceEle}>
Tooltip on top
<Tooltip triggerElement={referenceEle}>Tooltip</Tooltip>

HTML inside Tooltip

You can pass the any html between opening and closing tag of Tooltip Element


  import Tooltip from "sv-bootstrap-tooltip";
  let referenceEle;

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" bind:this={referenceEle}>
Tooltip on top
<Tooltip triggerElement={referenceEle}>


This option is used to define the placement of tooltip on an triggerElement. By default the placement is top


  import Tooltip from "sv-bootstrap-tooltip";
  let referenceEle;

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" bind:this={referenceEle}>
    Tooltip on top
<Tooltip triggerElement={referenceEle} placement="left">Tooltip</Tooltip>

Complete Placement Options

Options are similar to Vanilla Bootstrap

Placement Description
auto Placements will choose the side with most space and arrow will be in the center of trigger element
top Placements will be on top and arrow will be in the center of trigger element
bottom Placements will be bottom and arrow will be in the center of trigger element
right Placements will be right and arrow will be in the center of trigger element
left Placements will be left and arrow will be in the center of trigger element


This option should tell the Tooltip to filp side if there is no space on the prefered side


    import Tooltip from "sv-bootstrap-tooltip";
    let referenceEle;

<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" bind:this={referenceEle}>
Tooltip on top
<Tooltip flip="false" triggerElement={referenceEle}>

Component Options

Name Type Default Description
open boolean false This option is used to manage the Tooltip manually.
flip boolean true This option should tell the Tooltip to filp side if there is no space on the prefered side.
trigger string `hover focus`
offset [?number, ?number] or Function(Definition) [0, 4] The offset modifier lets you displace tooltip element from triggerElement element.
placement string top This option is used to define the placement of tooltip on an triggerElement.
onOpened function Empty function(noop) Can be used for callbacks after the tooltip is opened.
onClosed function Empty function(noop) Can be used for callbacks after the tooltip is closed.


For only manual triggering just pass empty string "" to trigger option and use open option to handle the tooltip manually


  • Animation
  • Adding More Placement options



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