Svelte E-Commerce Project


A dynamic e-commerce web application that i built with Svelte. The application fetches data from an API and incorporates user interactions, such as selecting categories, sorting products, and viewing detailed product information.


  1. Product Listing: Displays a list of products fetched from an API.
  2. Category Filtering: Allows users to filter products based on categories.
  3. Sorting: Users can sort products by price in ascending or descending order.
  4. Product Details: Click on a product to view detailed information.


Home Page

  • Displays a list of products.
  • Users can filter products by category and sort them by price.
  • Clicking on a product navigates to the detailed product view.

Product Detail Page

  • Shows detailed information about the selected product.
  • Users can navigate back to the product list, with previously applied filters preserved.

Code Snippets

Applying Filters and Sorting

    function applyFilters() {
     let filtered = [...products];

     if (sortOption === 'asc') {
         filtered.sort((a, b) => a.price - b.price);
     } else if (sortOption === 'desc') {
         filtered.sort((a, b) => b.price - a.price);

     filteredProducts = filtered;

Fetch products based on the selected category and update the products list.

  async function fetchProducts(category = '') {
   const url = category
       ? `${category}`
       : '';

   try {
       const response = await fetch(url);
       if (!response.ok) {
           throw new Error('Failed to fetch data');
       products = await response.json();
   } catch (err) {
       error = err.message || 'An error occurred';
   } finally {
       loading = false;

Top categories

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