svelte-smoothscroll Svelte Themes

Svelte Smoothscroll

Svelte Smoothscroll

A Svelte 5 compatible smooth scrolling library using LocomotiveScroll V5 for smooth scrolling and parallax effects.


  • Svelte 5 Compatibility: Designed specifically for use with Svelte 5.
  • Smooth Scrolling: Implements smooth scrolling functionality.
  • Parallax Effects: Enables parallax effects for enhanced visual appeal.
  • SSR Compatible: Modified to work in SSR applications, ensuring SEO-friendliness.


npm install @shentohendriks/svelte-smoothscroll


1. Wrap your content in +layout.svelte

Import the ScrollWrapper component and wrap it around the content where you want smooth scrolling and parallax effects:

  import { ScrollWrapper } from '@shentohendriks/svelte-smoothscroll';
  const { children } = $props();

<ScrollWrapper settings={{smoothWheel: true}}>
  {@render children()}

2. Apply smooth scroll and parallax in +page.svelte

Use data attributes to control scrolling behavior:

<div data-scroll data-scroll-section class="wrapper">
  <p data-scroll data-scroll-speed="0.10">This moves slow</p>
  <h1 data-scroll data-scroll-speed="0.2">This moves at medium speed</h1>
  <p data-scroll data-scroll-speed="0.25">This moves a little bit faster</p>
  <div data-scroll>This moves at normal speed</div>

  .wrapper {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column;
    justify-content: center;
    text-align: center;
    height: 200vh;


Pass additional Lenis settings as an object to the settings prop of ScrollWrapper. For more options, refer to the LocomotiveScroll documentation.

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