
A modern toolbox for synthetic biology

How Can I Use It?

Though you could download the code and build SZ yourself, there is a pre-built and automatically updated version of the web UI available at

For a live demonstration of SZ toolbox and a showcase of its capabilities, we've made a short walkthrough video.

Where Is Everything?

  • syn-zeug is the core Rust library where biotools are implemented
  • web is the Svelte SPA that makes up the web interface for syn-zeug
  • biobox is a Rust shim that exposes a nice WASM interface to syn-zeug

Currently Implemented Tools

In The Web UI

  • Sequence Validation
  • Sequence Length
  • Reverse Sequence
  • Count Sequence Elements (Bases / Residues)
  • Reverse Complement
  • Convert Case (Upper / Lower)
  • Sequence Conversion
    • DNA -> RNA
    • RNA -> DNA
    • DNA -> Protein
    • RNA -> Protein
  • GC Content
  • Find Open Reading Frames

In The Rust Library

  • Extract Subsequences
  • Hamming Distance
  • Levenshtein Distance


The contribution or brainstorming of new tools, UI improvements, or documentation is more than welcome. If you'd like to implement any of the above yourself, please feel free to create a fork of our main development repository and submit a PR. The code in this project, particularly in the Rust library, is held to a high standard, but reviewers are more than happy to provide instruction and guidance to new contributors!

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