sveltekit-wasm Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Wasm

Svelte Skeleton application with Rust/WASM watch/build and Tailwind CSS

Svelte + Wasm + Tailwind

Base project template for building SPA UIs with Svelte powered by Rust/WASM for business logic


Svelte project bootstrapped with create-svelte.


Tailwind CSS style utility classes generated and imported automatically on vite builds.


Rust is a strongly typed general perfect programing language. Install here


This project uses 'wasm-pack' to bundle Rust code for web deployment. Wasm-pack must be installed for RSW (see below) to work.

curl -sSf | sh


This project uses 'RSW' to watch and build your rust project via wasm-pack. The 'vite-plugin-rsw' actually watches your crate and implements hot reload along side your Svelte and Typescript code.

  • RSW uses an rsw.toml to define crates for watch/build/package with vite. Just edit [[crates]] in your rsw.toml:
    name = "my-wasm-crate"
    link = true
    ## The above is also what needs to be edited if you want to rename the 
    ## placeholder my-wasm-crate in this template
  • The built wasm is simply imported as an npm module in your .ts/svelte code: ```ts import init, { greet } from "my-wasm-crate"

export async function load() { await init() greet() } // The above code shows that your npm package name matches both the crate // name and directory name as specified in the rsw.toml. If you rename the // placeholder my-wasm-crate your npm package name is updated to match.

- Additional crates can be added and configured automatically via rsw
yarn rsw new <new-crate-name>
  • Your new crate needs to be added to the rsw.toml
    name = "<new-crate-name>"
    # <npm|yarn|pnpm> link
    # ⚠️ Note: must be set to `true`, default is `false`
    link = true
  • You'll also need to tell vite about your new or edited crate path as vite does not want to bundle anything outside of the src root by default. Edit your vite.config.ts UserConfig.server.fs.allow: ```js import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'; import type { UserConfig } from 'vite'; import { ViteRsw } from 'vite-plugin-rsw';

const config: UserConfig = { plugins: [sveltekit(), ViteRsw()], server: { fs: { allow: ["./"] } } };

export default config;

- Once registered in rsw.toml and allowed in vite.config.ts your crate can be imported as an npm module
import init, { foo, bar} from "<my-wasm-crate>"

await init() // Wasm has to be loaded before exported functionality is called


  • dev build with hmr is run by yarn dev
  • a production build will be populated in the /build directory via yarn build

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