
This project is alpha

SpinLuckZone is a luck-based, wager-free web app game where players strive to achieve as many successful outcomes as possible in each of the five rounds. The game is entirely fictional and does not involve any real betting.

Prerequisites :low_battery:

Before running SpinLuckZone locally, ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Git: Install Git on your device.
  • Node.js: Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager).
  • Integrated Development Environment (IDE): It's recommended to use Visual Studio Code.

Installation :pen_ballpoint:

To install and run SpinLuckZone locally, follow these steps:

  • Clone the project repository from GitHub to your desired location on your device.
  • Open the project folder in your chosen IDE and open the terminal within the IDE.
  • Run npm install in the terminal to install the project dependencies.
  • (Optional) Add any necessary environment variables (if specified) as comments within the code.
  • Execute npm run dev to run the development server and test if everything is functioning correctly.
  • For the production-ready build version, run npm run build. This will generate a functional website.

Tutorial :green_book:

For detailed instructions on how to play DrawLuckZone, refer to the tutorial available on the website.

Disclaimer :exclamation:

SpinLuckZone is a purely fictional game created for entertainment purposes only. It does not involve any form of real-world betting or wagering.

Enjoy playing SpinLuckZone!

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