
Toast Components

This repo contains a single-file Toast component which you can copy paste into your Svelte (or SvelteKit) project.

Toast components for Svelte

This repo contains a single-file Toast component which you can copy paste into your Svelte (or SvelteKit) project.


The file src/lib/components/Toast.svelte contains both the rendered Toast components as well as the function with which you can send toasts.


Embed the Toast component to your App.svelte.

<script lang="ts">
    import Toast from "./lib/components/Toast.svelte";

<Toast position="top-right" />

You can pass one of 6 positions as a prop: top-left (default), top-center, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-center, bottom-right.

When you want to send a toast, from wherever you like, import the send_toast function and execute it.

import { send_toast } from "./Toast.svelte";

    title: "Information",
    description: "You can use this component in any Svelte project",

Pass the following options to this function:

  • title: string (default: "")
  • description: string (default: "")
  • variant: "info" | "success" | "error" (default: info)
  • duration: number (default: 3000)

If you want to customize the Toasts, just edit the Svelte component Toast.svelte as you like.

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