blog-sveltekit-approach Svelte Themes

Blog Sveltekit Approach

This repository demonstrates how a blog with SvelteKit can be built, without using any markdown or extra packages.

Blog with SvelteKit pages

This repository demonstrates how a blog with SvelteKit can be built, without using any markdown or extra packages.


The idea is to put every blog post inside of a route resp. SvelteKit page. For example, one blog post could be the SvelteKit page src/routes/post/first-post/+page.svelte. In these SvelteKit pages, we can do whatever we want. We can also add Svelte components without any extra configuration.

Metadata are exported from the context script tag:

<!-- src/routes/post/first-post/+page.svelte --->

<script lang="ts" context="module">
    import Post from "../Post.svelte";
    export let title = "My first blog post";
    export let date = new Date("2023-01-22");

<Post {title} {date}>
        Write something here

In the wrapper Post.svelte component, we render the metadata in a consistent way. We can also add anything which every post needs to include, for example a link to the page with all posts. (This is somewhat similar to a layout file, but more flexible, and the usage of props seems to be more easy than using page data.)

<!-- src/routes/post/Post.svelte -->
<script lang="ts">
    export let title: string;
    export let date: Date;




<slot />

<p >
    <a href="/">All Posts</a>

Now, in order to list all posts on a page, we make the following computation in its load function:

// src/routes/+page.server.ts

export const load = async () => {
    const posts_paths = Object.keys(

    const unsorted_posts: post[] = await Promise.all( (path) => {
            const link = path.split("/").at(-2) ?? "";
            const component = await import(
            const { title, date } = component;
            return { link, title, date };

    const posts = unsorted_posts.sort(
        (p, q) => -

    return { posts };

The main steps are the following:

  • Vite's import.meta.glob function gives us the list of all pages in our post folder.
  • We import the page components with await import(...) and extract their props.
  • In the end, we sort the posts by date.
  • The type post is declared in app.d.ts.

On the page itself, we can now list links to all posts as follows:

<!-- src/routes/+page.svelte -->

<script lang="ts">
    export let data;
    const { posts } = data;

    {#each posts as post}
            <a href="/post/{}">{post.title}</a>

It should be clear how to add any other post data, for example a summary, updated-at date, etc.

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