A tiny library for making maps, intended for use in data visualisation projects. Svelte-geo uses d3-geo to plot .geojson polygon data as svg.
margin = {{left:10,right:10,top:10,bottom:10} }
background = {any_valid_html_color}
bind:zoomReset = {resetter}
styleAccessor = {(feature, selected) => style_object}
idAccessor = {feature => feature_uid}
selectMode = {integer >=0 || Infinity}
bind:selection = {selection}
on:mousemove = {event_handler}
on:mouseenter = {event_handler}
on:mouseleave = {event_handler}
on:mount = {event_handler}
on:destroy = {event_handler}
BaseMap sets up things which are common to all feature layers e.g. the map projection and the margin to allow around the layers.
projection : a D3-geo projection
margin : a margin object of the form {left:10,right:10,top:10,bottom:10}
. Measurements are in px.
background : sets the background color of the <svg>
zoomReset : exports a reset function for the map zoom.
elements go in a slot in <BaseMap>
. <FeatureLayer>
plots and styles the features from a geojson object.
You may use multiple <FeatureLayer>
s in a map.
geojson : a geojson object. Required
styleAccessor : a function that takes a feature from your geojson object, and a selection status (boolean), and returns a style object for an svg path.
idAccessor : a function that takes a feature from your geojson object, and returns a unique identifier for the feature. This is what will be stored in selection
selectMode : defines the number of features that may be selected. May be an integer >=0, or Infinity
selection : an array containing the uid's of the current selection. Bind to selection
to control the selection programmatically.
Mount and destroy events are dispatched when the <FeatureLayer>
element is created or destroyed.
Mouse events are dispatched when the <svg>
elements in the <Featurelayer>
are interacted with. e.detail
contains the originating event and the feature.
Any SVG elements placed inside the <FeatureLayer>
element will be rendered as a tooltip with its origin at the position of the mouse pointer. Slot prop hoveredFeature
is provided and contains the feature.