Svelte inline bundler

This package is geared mainly towards those who want to build a svelte bundle server side. It can compile dom, ssr or hydrate Svelte bundle. It uses esbuild in order to generate a bundle and returns the code.

It provides a way to bundle Svelte code:


You can find examples on CodeSandbox here:


npm install svelte-inline-bundler


In order to bundle Svelte app, you need to import the bundler.

import createBundle from "svelte-inline-bundler";

const bundle = await createBundle(options);
// createBundle will return following

// If building a "ssr" bundle

type SSRBundleResult = {
  css: {
    code: string;
    map: Map<string, string> | null;
  head: string;
  html: string;

// If building a "hydrate" bundle

type HydratableBundleResult = {
  ssr: SSRBundleResult;
  dom: string;

// If building a "dom", it will return a string of created bundle


const { css, head, html } = createBundle(...options, {
  generate: "ssr",

const {
  ssr: { css, head, html },
} = createBundle(...options, {
  generate: "hydrate",

const bundle = createBundle(...options, {
  generate: "dom",

createBundle takes the following options:

type CompilerArgs = {
  module: string;
  name: string;
  generate: "ssr" | "dom" | "hydrate";
  props?: unknown;
  target?: string;
  context?: Map<string, string>;
  useCache?: boolean;
  cacheKey?: string;
  svelteOptions?: SvelteOptions;
  esbuildOptions?: EsbuildOptions;
  esbuildPlugins?: EsbuildPlugins;

Options description

Member Description required default
module Path to your .svelte component module. It uses relative path to your package.json. true
name Name of your module. Used as placeholder inside compiled code. true
generate Type of bundle to generate. true
props Props to send to your component. false {}
target Where the dom bundle will attach og hydrate bundle will hydrate. If you want to attach to some id in the dom, use # prefix. It uses document.query to find the element under the hood. Use: document.body or "#some-id". Defaults to document.body false document.body
context Use to send context to the component. false new Map()
useCache Cache built bundles. It significantly speeds load times. Uses node-cache. false false
cacheKey Custom cache key. If none provided, the key that will be used follows ${module}:${name}:${generate} naming convention false undefined
svelteOptions All options from esbuild-svelte package except generate, hydratable, immutable, css, preserveComments, preserveWhitespace buildOptions. Those are reserverd for the library false {}
esbuildOptions All esbuild options except entryPoints, write, absWorkingDir, mainFields, plugins. Those are reserved for the library false {}
esbuildPlugins Extra esbuild plugins. false []


examples folder contains an express server with examples and Svelte view.

It has 4 views (todo, virtual-list, hacker-news and smui) which all vary in complexity.

To see the views use base routes like this:

/hydratable route shows how hydratable bundle looks like when served with Express.

/ssr route shows how ssr bundle looks like when served with Express.

/dom route shows how client bundle looks like when served with Express.

And send view as a query parameter like this:


List of all views

  1. todo
  2. virtual-list
  3. hacker-news
  4. smui

smui is the most resource heavy because it compiles components from Svelte Material UI.

Running the server

  1. cd examples
  2. npm install
  3. npm run dev
  4. Go to http://localhost:4000

This should display the view made with App.svelte.

To check the difference between cached and non cached views, send query param useCache=true|false on a route.



List of all example routes


  • ssr bundle will not expose any event handlers. It will only expose html, css and head from <svelte:head /> if used. In order to add events to this bundle, you will need to get elements in the <svelte:head /> and send that to the dom.
  • hydrate bundles both dom and ssr so it will take a bit longer time to compile and send.
  • dom bundle only bundles js code. All of the other pros and cons with client code rendering applies here as well.

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