svelte-preprocess-angular2-like Svelte Themes

Svelte Preprocess Angular2 Like

This preprocessor allows you to use angular2+ like component layout on Svelte


This preprocessor allows you to use angular2+ like component layout


|   App.svelte
|   main.ts
--- component
    |    component.html
    |    component.scss
    |    component.svelte

And now you can import this component as nested like:

    import Component from './component/component.svelte'

Installation process

Please don't be lazy.

  1. Copy and throw this file (name as you like, i.e. 'svelte.combiner.js' ) in the folder with rollup.config.js.
  2. After first step import it on rollup.config.js file. In example:
    import svelteCombiner from './svelte-combiner';
  3. Put it on plugins array before svelte({... . In Example:
    plugins: [
  4. Try to run it. It should just work.

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