template-vite-routify-ts-smui Svelte Themes

Template Vite Routify Ts Smui

Template using Vite, Routify, TypeScript and Svelte Material UI

TEMPLATE Vite + Routify + TS + Svelte Material UI

This template is based on Oxova's Svelte-Vite-Template. Thanks!


I am not an expert on Vite. If you see ways to improve this template please feel very welcome to contribute.

The TypeScript support is limited. There are currently no Types installed for Routify or SMUI. I am just getting started with TS and have to investigate more. Any help much appreciated!


  • Vite
  • Routify
  • Typescript
  • Svelte Material UI
  • SCSS
  • PostCSS (Prefixer)

Installation / Scripts

npm install
Command Description
dev start dev server
build build site
serve serve build
check check for TS-errors
prepare build SMUI-Theme

What Material Design Components are available?

Please refer to the official documentation to get an overview of all available components.


Changes to the default Material Design Theme are applied in src/theme/_smui-theme.scss and src/theme/dark/_smui-theme.scss . After each change you have to npm run prepare to apply these changes.

How to install additional Components?

It's enough to install the corresponding NPM package if you are using the default theme. However: if you change colors (or whatever else) in /src/theme you have to run npm run prepare again in order for theme-colors to be applied to newly added components.

Available Icons

As far as I can tell all icons provided by Google work. Please look at the examples at src/pages/index.svelte to see how you can use these icons.

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