TokenGuard-iGaming-PoC Svelte Themes

Tokenguard Igaming Poc

This repository contains the Front-End Web Application developed using the Svelte framework.🚀


Initial installation

Docker (System with no Docker Desktop)

  1. Go to the root folder of the project
  2. docker compose up

Installation with .env files

  1. Create 2 .env files in front-end and back-end folder

  2. In Back-End .env file write in: PGUSER=postgres PGHOST= PGPASSWORD="123" PGDATABASE=tokenguard PGPORT=5432

  3. In the Back-End folder run npx tsx src/index.ts

In Front-End .env file write in:

  1. VITE_APP_MY_BACKEND: http://localhost:8000/api

  2. In the Front-End folder run npm run dev

  3. In the DB create tables with the commands from the init.sql or import it

Run tests

  1. Go the the /front-end folder
  2. Run npm test

Format with prettier

  1. npx prettier --write .

Technology description

For the front-end used: SvelteKit, Tailwind, TypeScript For the back-end used: Node.js, Postgres, TypeScript Wrapped in the Docker.

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