zero-svelte-query Svelte Themes

Zero Svelte Query

Use Zero in Svelte


A Svelte library for integrating @rocicorp/zero with Svelte applications. Provides reactive query bindings and store integration for real-time data synchronization.


  • ✨ Reactive query subscriptions
  • 🔄 Lightweight and minimalistic
  • ⚡️ Nice dev tools

Zero Svelte Options


This should be your go-to option. It appears to have functionality for optimal query fetching and other advanced features.


This is a naively simple implementation, making it good for learning purposes or something to build upon. It's currently a createSubscriber wrapper around zero.query. The repository has some nice examples for Svelte and developer tools when creating Svelte applications.


From NPM

npm install zero-svelte-query
# or
pnpm add zero-svelte-query
# or
yarn add zero-svelte-query


See real examples in src/routes

Basic Query Example

<script lang="ts">
    import { useQuery } from 'zero-svelte-query';
    import { getZero } from '$lib/zero'; // Update to standard SvelteKit path

    const zero = getZero();
    const tags = useQuery(zero.query.tag); // Use const instead of let

{#if $tags?.current}
    {#each $tags.current as tag (}

Zero Store Configuration

Initialize Zero in your application setup. Here's a basic implementation example:

zero.state.svelte.ts // ... rest of existing code ...

import { schema, type Schema } from '$zero/schema';
import { Zero, type ZeroOptions } from '@rocicorp/zero';
import { get, writable } from 'svelte/store';

export const zeroStore = writable<Zero<Schema> | null>(null);

export const setZeroStore = (_options: Partial<ZeroOptions<Schema>>) => {
    const options = {
        kvStore: "mem",
        logLevel: "debug",
    } as ZeroOptions<Schema>;
    zeroStore.set(new Zero(options));

export const getZero = () => {
    const z = get(zeroStore);
    if (!z) {
        throw new Error('Zero not initialized');
    return z;

Then use it in for example a +layout.svelte file

    server: 'http://localhost:5949',
    auth: token || undefined,
    userID: userId || 'anon'



# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# This will start a testcontainer with zero-cache, postgres and a vite svelte-kit application.
pnpm dev

# Run tests
pnpm test

# Run only unit tests
pnpm test:unit

# Run only e2e tests
pnpm test:e2e


  • pnpm dev - Starts both backend and frontend development servers
  • pnpm build - Builds the package for production
  • pnpm schema - Builds the Zero schema
  • pnpm db:generate - Generates database files using Drizzle Kit


Apache 2.0


Dont know yet


This library is a lightweight createSubscriber wrapper around the zero instance. You could basically just copy this file useQuery.svelte.ts and use it in your project.


zero-svelte (npm) offers additional caching features and more advanced query management.


@rocicorp/zero drizzle-zero-svelte @rocicorp/zero spesific
^0.11.0 ^ 0.1.0 0.11.2025011402
^0.12.0 ^ 0.2.0 0.12.2025012501
^0.13.0 ^ 0.3.0 0.13.2025013101
^0.14.0 ^ 0.4.0 0.14.2025020701
^0.16.0 ^ 0.5.0 0.16.2025022800


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