preact-hello-world-equivalent Svelte Themes

Preact Hello World Equivalent

Testing initial sizes of hello world apps with Svelte and Preact

hello world

Just a quick test to see how small we can get a 'Hello world' app. With the current version of Svelte (1.13.1), we're at 1.1kb gzipped, compared to Preact's 8.7kb 4.8kb 3.9kb*.

Svelte's tooling isn't nearly as mature as Preact's — there's no create-svelte-app yet. Instead, clone this repo, then

npm install
npm run dev

then go to localhost:8080.

*The 8.7kb includes the polyfills that create-react-app injects. You can remove them by doing npm run eject and manually editing the webpack config. The 4.8kb version used webpack. As Jason points out, the equivalent Preact example is 3.9kb

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