sveltekit-table Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Table

A SSR compatible data grid with sticky columns.



It's a Sveltekit Datagrid with a sticky header and sticky columns.

Installation and Usage

# create a new project in the current directory
npm install -D sveltekit-table
    import Column from '$lib/components/Column.svelte';
    import DataGrid from '$lib/components/DataGrid.svelte';

...and then declaritively use.

    <DataGrid records={hugeDataset}>
        <Column sticky={true} value={checkbox('id')}  />
        <Column label="Name" sticky={true} value={raw('name')}  />
        <Column label="Email" value={raw('email')}  />
        <Column label="Phone" value={raw('phone')}  />
        <Column label="Username" value={raw('username')} sort="" />
        <Column label="Website" value={raw('website')} sort="" />

Column takes a function value that recieves a row in the records and outputs a value. For example, if you would like a column that combines first and last name:

    <Column label="Name" sticky={true} value={(row)=> `${row.last_name}, ${row.first_name}`} />

Columns can also take a cellComponent and a headerComponent. For example the default cellComponent looks like this:

// slot is passed the output of the value function
<div class="cell"><slot /></div>
    .cell {
        background-color: white;
        white-space: nowrap;
        border: 1px solid grey;
        margin: 0px;
        margin-bottom: -1px;
        margin-top: -1px;
        padding: 0.25rem;
        font-weight: normal;

If you wanted to provide your own, just import it and pass it.

    import MyCellComponent from './MyCellComponent.svelte';

and then

     <Column label="Name" sticky={true} value={raw('name')}  cellComponent={MyCellComponent}/>

Basic Demo and Example

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