Website is created to build not too fancy yet much functional online MCQ exam platform, mainly for vocabulary questions.
Used technologies:
Website contains features like:
Website is Server Side Rendered (SSR).
Even with intensive tasks, website is much faster, powered by Svelte JS, Responsive with Tailwind CSS. In this project I found that Svelte is really super developer-friendly. Here DX is 10 time better than React. Also its official SSR Framework SvelteKit is as cool as Next JS.
It only needs a several questions with only the right answer. Because the other options are generated randomly from other words. Like, if I have a word Language A 1 and I have another word Language B 1, which are in this case of same meaning, then the question will be Language A 1, answer will be Language B 1, other options will be Language C 1, Language D 1, Language E 1...
the vocabulary.json is like database, where the structure is :
[{"n":1, "en":"Language A", "bn":"Language B"}, {...}, ...]
A huge calculation occurs to generate a random question set. Questions are given serially as its in the vocabulary.json. But options are randomly generated. Options are selected randomly from the previous 4 and next 4 words. Like, if i have 14 words (counting starts from 1 in this case), then for question 5, options will be selected from [1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9], for question 8, options will be selected from [4,5,6,7, 9,10,11,12], for question 12, options will be selected from [8,9,10,11, 13,14,1,2].
Reading Section :
All data from vocabulary.json will be displayed in a table.
You can filter/search a specific data using the Search Bar by words.
You can search a word in google search directly from here by clicking on them.
Test Section :
Here, you can search a word in google search only from the question.
You can switch the Languages, Like from Language A to Language B or vice versa.
Select the right answer, after submitting, result will be shown directly in options. Options will be colored based on right, unselected right and wrong.
You can reset but it will generate new random Questions.
You can view you result in the bottom after submitting only.