Website is created to build not too fancy yet much functional online MCQ exam platform, mainly for vocabulary questions.

Used technologies:
  • SvelteKit
  • Tailwind
Website contains features like:
  • Website is Server Side Rendered (SSR).
  • Even with intensive tasks, website is much faster, powered by Svelte JS, Responsive with Tailwind CSS. In this project I found that Svelte is really super developer-friendly. Here DX is 10 time better than React. Also its official SSR Framework SvelteKit is as cool as Next JS.
  • It only needs a several questions with only the right answer. Because the other options are generated randomly from other words. Like, if I have a word Language A 1 and I have another word Language B 1, which are in this case of same meaning, then the question will be Language A 1, answer will be Language B 1, other options will be Language C 1, Language D 1, Language E 1...
  • the vocabulary.json is like database, where the structure is : [{"n":1, "en":"Language A", "bn":"Language B"}, {...}, ...]
  • A huge calculation occurs to generate a random question set. Questions are given serially as its in the vocabulary.json. But options are randomly generated. Options are selected randomly from the previous 4 and next 4 words. Like, if i have 14 words (counting starts from 1 in this case), then for question 5, options will be selected from [1,2,3,4, 6,7,8,9], for question 8, options will be selected from [4,5,6,7, 9,10,11,12], for question 12, options will be selected from [8,9,10,11, 13,14,1,2].

  • Reading Section :
    • All data from vocabulary.json will be displayed in a table.
    • You can filter/search a specific data using the Search Bar by words.
    • You can search a word in google search directly from here by clicking on them.
  • Test Section :
    • Here, you can search a word in google search only from the question.
    • You can switch the Languages, Like from Language A to Language B or vice versa.
    • Select the right answer, after submitting, result will be shown directly in options. Options will be colored based on right, unselected right and wrong.
    • You can reset but it will generate new random Questions.
    • You can view you result in the bottom after submitting only.

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