Go + Svelte + TS SPA

This is a template for developing SPA using Go, Svelte and TypeScript.

VS Code + Go + Svelte.


To make it easier, you might want to use degit like this:

degit RadhiFadlillah/go-svelte-spa new-project


  • Based on official Svelte + Vite template.
  • Live reload Go binary using air.
  • Hash based routing using svelte-spa-router.
  • Automatically embed the assets to Go app when building for production.


When in development, run this command in terminal:

npm run web-dev

The command above will run vite in live reload mode, which will build our Svelte frontend whenever there are changes. After that, open separate terminal then run this command:

npm run go-dev

The command above will run air which will build our Go backend whenever there are changes, and also serve our app.

Once development finished, you can build the final binary by running:

npm run build

Directory Structure

├── backend/ ────────────── the Go code for our backend
├── build/ ──────────────── the directory which contain development build
├── dist/ ───────────────── the directory which contain production build
├── frontend/ ───────────── the Svelte code for our frontend
├── node_modules/ ───────── node dependencies
├── .air.toml ───────────── config for `air`, live reload for Go
├── .eslintignore ───────┬─ config for `eslint`
├── .eslintrc.cjs ───────┘
├── .gitignore ──────────── items to be ignored by Git
├── .prettierignore ─────┬─ config for `prettier`
├── .prettierrc ─────────┘
├── app-assets_dev.go ───┬─ our `main` Go code
├── app-assets_prod.go   │
├── app-log_dev.go       │
├── app.go ──────────────┘
├── go.mod ──────────────┬─ Go module
├── go.sum ──────────────┘
├── index.html ──────────── the entrance for our SPA
├── package-lock.json ───┬─ config for NPM
├── package.json ────────┘
├── README.md ───────────── this readme file
├── svelte.config.js ────── config for `svelte`
├── tsconfig.json ───────┬─ config for TS language server
├── tsconfig.node.json ──┘
└── vite.config.js ──────── config for `vite`

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