Simple-Calc-R 🔢🔩

Simple? Calculator? 🤔🧑‍💻

Yes, and you may check it out here, here, and here.

Simple-Calc-R is a simple calculator that you may use for simple calculations such as:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Division
  • Multiplication

You also have access to the decimal point and parentheses if you need them. You may delete numbers if you wish, and when you're done, just press the "=" button to not only see your answer but the inputted expression above it, too. 😎

How to run? 😭

As is the case with projects that utilize the Svelte framework, if you want to run it on your own, clone this repo into your machine and install the necessary dependencies by inputting the following code in the command line while in your cloned version:

npm install

When that's done, input the following code and you're all good:

npm run dev

About the Project

Made With

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. JavaScript
  4. Svelte Framework


The resources used, from custom fonts to background images and svg icons, are for personal use. All rights and credit go directly to its rightful owners.

Time to calculate taxes 📎

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