svelte-tezos Svelte Themes

Svelte Tezos

svelte-tezos is a library providing a store with multiple helper functions to ease the connection between svelte and the tezos @taquito/taquito library.


svelte-tezos is a svelte store with multiple helper functions to ease the connection between svelte and the tezos @taquito/taquito library.

available functions:

  1. createStore({ rpcUrl, networkType, dappName}) - initialized TezosToolkit & BeaconWallet and the svelte store
  2. connect() - requests and waits for a connection through beacon
  3. disconnect() - clears any active account through beacon

accessible via store:

  1. userAddress - address of the currently active account
  2. connected - boolean indicating if wallet is paired or not
  3. blockHead - current block height, hash, and timestamp
  4. network - current network (mainnet, ghostnet, etc)
  5. rpc - currently connected RPC


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