
Sveno is a component transpiler that transform React components to Svelte components. It only works on simple small non-library components so far, but more updates are coming. ⏬
Sveno aims to become a powerful tool able to transpile complete projects, and to help developpers 💻 discover the advantages of using Svelte. 😎
Why Svelte
While React is a library that adds extra weight to your code base and uses a virtual DOM, Svelte compiles it's files to ideal javascript, thus reducing the actual weight ⚖️. As a result, Svelte is significantly faster 🏃⚡ than any framework or library using virtual DOMs when it comes to downloading webpages into a browser.
Learn more here
You'll need Python3 🐍 and pip3 installed.
You will also need npm installed.
Install the requirements by launching the script ./
Congratz 🥳 ! You're ready to go!
The program takes 2 arguments: the react source folder and a svelte destination folder
python3 ./src/ react_source_folder svelte_destination_folder
How it works
- The program looks 🔎 through each file, starting from the source root folder, that has a
or a .jsx
extension. Style files with .css
extension are also taken into account and can be integrated into the correct svelte component.
- Using a set of regex 🔤 (regular expressions), key elements are gathered and stored into dataclasses. Try some regex here.
- Dataclasses 💾 are the main element that will be worked upon. Class Components, Functionnal Components, Variables, and other important pieces of code have their own dataclass. They are used to access information and transform syntactic elements from react to svelte syntax. Some elements are substituted while others are simply deleted (eg:
will become name
- New files and folders 📂 are created. Because React files can contain multiple components, contrarly to Svelte files, each component will be translated into a new file of the same name. They will be contained in a folder bearing the name of the initial react file.
For example, a file named actions.jsx
and containing 2 components named simpleAction
and doubleAction
will result in a folder named actions
with two svelte files named simpleAction.svelte
and doubleAction.svelte
- Components are written 📝 in the new files, using the dataclasses and corresponding templates.
As of today, the following elements can be transpiled:
- Functionnal components
- Class components
- 'Classic' functions
- Props
- Class Lifecycle methods (ComponentWillMount, ComponentDidMount, ComponentDidUpdate, GetSnapshotBeforeUpdate)
- UseEffect (The functionnal component LifeCycle hook)
- SetState, UseState, this.state - initialize and set variable values
- Events (onClick, onMouseMove, etc)
- Install Doxygen
- To generate the documentation, just do
- You can now consult the documentation by running the html statically for example with chrome
google-chrome doc/html/index.html
- ReactDOM.render() and entrypoint
- Better utilitary files handling
- Loops
- Conditions
- Routing