svelte-to-github-pages Svelte Themes

Svelte To Github Pages

A small repo that deploys a static Svelte app to Github Pages on push

From Svelte to Github Pages

This is a really standard Svelte-kit app, but it is adapted so that on every git push, it deploys a static app to Github Pages.

How it works

There are several modification steps to do in order to update the default Svelte Kit app to be compatible with Github Pages on deploy.

  • Add the @sveltejs/adapter-static package and use it as adapter variable in svelte.config.js.
  • Add paths: {base: process.env.GITHUB_ACTION ? process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY.replace(/^[^/]+\//gi, '/') : ''} to the config.kit configuration option. This ensures that the base path corresponds to Github Pages' default sub-directory name (which is set to your repository name).
    ℹ Note: if you host it at the root of a domain, you can omit this change.
  • Create a .github/workflows/deploy_to_pages.yaml file for deployment.
    Check it out here in this repository to know what to write in it.
  • You might have to change absolute links to relative links in src/app.html, because Github Pages are by default hosted in a sub-directory (for example, by default, Svelte has a favicon link that you might want to change).

This should be enough 😉

Check out this diff to see the changes (it doesn't contain the changes to the adapter though).

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