Sector Tagger

Visual editor for creating, managing and tagging sectored layouts. Built with modern web technologies including Bun, Astro, Svelte 5, SQLite, and WebSocket for real-time collaboration.


  • Interactive canvas for visual layout management
  • Hierarchical structure (pages -> views -> sectors)
  • Real-time collaboration via WebSocket
  • Offline support with LocalStorage
  • SQLite database for persistent storage
  • SSL/HTTPS support
  • Docker support for easy deployment

Tech Stack

  • Runtime: Bun - Fast JavaScript runtime
  • Framework: Astro - Modern web framework
  • UI Library: Svelte 5 - Reactive UI framework
  • Database: SQLite with Drizzle ORM
  • Real-time: WebSocket for live updates
  • Development: TypeScript for type safety

Project Structure

├── certs/                    # SSL certificates
│   ├── cert.pem
│   └── key.pem
├── data/                     # Data directory
│   └── db.sqlite            # SQLite database
├── scripts/                  # Helper scripts
│   ├── init-db.ts           # Database initialization
│   ├──         # Development startup
│   └── ws-server.ts         # WebSocket server
├── src/
│   ├── assets/              # Static assets
│   ├── components/          # Svelte components
│   │   ├── BaseSector.svelte     # Base sector component
│   │   ├── HoverPanel.svelte     # Hover information panel
│   │   ├── SelectedPanel.svelte  # Selected item details
│   │   ├── Tagger.svelte         # Main canvas component
│   │   └── TransformHandle.svelte # Transform controls
│   ├── layouts/             # Astro layouts
│   ├── lib/                 # Core library code
│   │   ├── api/            # API and WebSocket
│   │   │   ├── types.ts           # API types
│   │   │   ├── webSocketServer.ts # WS server
│   │   │   └── websocketClient.ts # WS client
│   │   ├── config.ts       # App configuration
│   │   ├── db/            # Database
│   │   │   ├── index.ts    # DB exports
│   │   │   ├── migrate.ts  # Migrations
│   │   │   └── schema.ts   # DB schema
│   │   └── storage/       # Storage handlers
│   │       └── localStore.ts # Local storage
│   ├── pages/              # Astro pages
│   │   └── index.astro    # Main page
│   ├── styles/            # Global styles
│   └── types/             # TypeScript types
├── .env                    # Environment variables
├── .env.example           # Environment template
├── astro.config.mjs       # Astro configuration
├── docker-compose.yml     # Docker Compose config
├── Dockerfile            # Docker build config
└── package.json          # Project metadata

Key Components

Canvas System

  • Tagger.svelte: Main canvas component managing the layout editor
  • BaseSector.svelte: Base component for all sector types (pages, views, sectors)
  • Hierarchical rendering with proper z-index handling

Real-time Collaboration

  • WebSocket server for live updates
  • Client-side WebSocket integration
  • Event synchronization across clients

Data Management

  • SQLite database for persistent storage
  • Drizzle ORM for type-safe database operations
  • LocalStorage for offline capabilities

UI Components

  • HoverPanel: Shows quick info on hover
  • SelectedPanel: Detailed information for selected items
  • TransformHandle: Controls for item manipulation

Environment Variables

# Server Configuration

# WebSocket Configuration

# SSL Configuration

# Database Configuration

# Development Mode


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    bun install
  3. Set up environment variables:
    cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate SSL certificates (for HTTPS):
    mkdir certs
    openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -sha256 -subj '/CN=localhost' \
      -keyout certs/key.pem -out certs/cert.pem
  5. Initialize database:
    bun run scripts/init-db.ts
  6. Start development server:
    bun run dev

Docker Deployment

  1. Build and run with Docker Compose:
    docker compose up --build

The application will be available at:


Data Flow

  1. User interactions on canvas trigger events
  2. Events are processed locally and sent to WebSocket server
  3. Server broadcasts events to all connected clients
  4. Clients update their state and re-render affected components
  5. Changes are persisted to SQLite database

State Management

  • Svelte stores for reactive state
  • LocalStorage for offline persistence
  • WebSocket for real-time sync
  • SQLite for permanent storage


  • HTTPS/WSS for secure communication
  • Environment variables for configuration
  • SSL certificate management


MIT License - see LICENSE file for details

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