A Sveltekit project template for building GOVUK services that use GDS Desgin System.
The purpose of this project is to explore the use of Svelte for crafting web content using GDS design system components.
This project is currently very experimental. Component interfaces and implementations are constantly being rewritten as new ideas are tried out. Over time a stable set of components and a standard interface pattern should emerge. But this seems far off at the moment because there is soo much to explore.
Authors note: I really hope to try out Deno as an alternative to Node. Historically, Sveltekit required Vite and Node Package Manager (npm) which Deno did not support. This seems to no longer be the case. Deno aligns better with my values and principles, particularly in terms of security and ease of development.
The template comes with some pre-setup tools and is intentially minimal. This means keeping as close to pure HTML, CSS, and JS as feasible.
Most frontends don't need SASS, SCSS, TypeScript, YARN, or other supportive tooling but you can add these and swap existing out tooling to suite your needs and preferences:
Authors note: The list below will likely change as ideas and options are explored. However, removals will be favoured over additions.
This project copies distribution files from govuk-frontend. This is done by cloning a specific release tag from govuk-frontend via Git and copying the required files to specific folder locations. The script for this is /scripts/govuk-frontend-init.sh.
In SvelteKit, the page layout is organised hierarchically as folders reflecting the URL paths. This is an example of organisation by feature (or by slice). Organisation by layer has historically been favoured in Web development and Web API code bases.
The real difference is in what concerns each separates and how they separate them:
, /home/controller.js
, /home/page-template.html
, /products/controller.js
, /products/page-template.html
Organisation by feature is favoured in this project throughout. Of course you're free to move everything around to suite your preferences.
Shared and importable data, content, styling, scripts, and Svelte components goes in /static
or /libs
in other toolsImport aliases have been setup to make crafting pages simpler and inject some readability and meaning. Preference is to avoid relative referencing except for importing from the same folder or sub-folders:
Authors note: Still needs a bit more experimentation but I think we're close on this one.
import GovukCaption from '$govuk/Caption.svelte'
import GovukPanel from '$govuk/Panel.svelte'
import GovukSearchForm from '$govuk/forms/SearchForm.svelte'
import Section from '$shared/Section.svelte'
import util from '$shared/util.js'
import defaultBarChartConfig from '$data/default-bar-chart-config.json'
git clone https://github.com/PaulioRandall/svelte-gds-design-system.git
cd svelte-gds-design-system
rm -f package-lock.json
Update project name in package.json
with your project name.
Install Node v18.
Install, build, and run:
npm i
npm run govuk-init
npm run build
npm run dev
Enjoy at localhost:3000
When you are ready to commit and push changes use the following to run a full format, build, code test, and service test:
npm run commit
You'll know if everything is good because you'll get someones lovely curated ASCII scene which can be changed by modifying ${project_root}/scripts/well-done.txt
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~~~\XXXXXXXXX/~ ~-~-~-~ /__|_\ ~-~-~-~
~-~-~-~-~-~ ~-~~-~-~-~-~ ======== ~-~-~-~
npm run fmt
Modify .prettierrc.json
to customise styling.
npm run govuk-clean
npm run govuk-init
npm run clean
Authors note: I feel like this isn't needed so it will likely be removed soon.
All environment variables must be prefixed with VITE_
or they won't be accessible by Sveltekit.
At the start of a build ./scripts/build-env.sh
is run that generates a .env
file in the root of the project. This file is ignored by Git. Add new variables by modifying the build-env.sh
script. Changing .env
will result in your changes being wiped on the next build.
To rebuild this file without rebuilding the project use the following:
npm run prebuild
sh: 1: ./scripts/build-env.sh: Permission denied
If you get a permissions error like the one above then you'll just need to give yourself permissions to execute the file:
chmod 744 ./scripts/build-env.sh
If you're on Windows you'll have to figure that out your self. Sorry.
Could not detect a supported production environment...
Don't worry if you get a build warning like the one above.
When the time comes to deploy to development and production environments you'll want to research SvelteKit adapters.
Authors note: I use Vercel to host my personal website so I use @sveltejs/adapter-vercel. There are many others and you can write your own. I've written a custom Express adapter before and it's not too difficult. Just a little tedious due to extra work needed to test it.