
Jahmin Logo


A multiplatform music player capable of handling 100k+ songs.

It uses Electron JS, Svelte, Typescript and SQLite3.

Works on Windows, MacOS (Intel and Apple Silicon) and Linux.

· Keeps the user experience lag free while the app reads an imports the music metadata thanks to the heavy use of WebWorkers.

· Animated covers.

· A huge amount of user configuration.

· Tags can be edited in the app.

· In real time equalizer edit.

· Super powerful and efficient song search.


The library album art size and grid gap is customizable. It also allows animated covers (mp4, gif, webm and more).

Look closer to the amazing Shovel Knight animated album art!

Tags Edit

A built-in way to update the tags of the selected songs is available too!

Searching while recording a video is a bit too taxing on my PC, without the recording the search is much smoother.


Look and sort the current playback


Sing along with your favourite song with the Lyrics section

Easily copy from any website and paste it in the app and save.



  • Day/Night mode
  • Color Contrast, is better to see it in action.
  • Grid Art Size
  • Grid Gap
  • Clean Art Cache


  • Add folders to library
  • Exclude folders from library

Song List Tag

  • Choose which tag to show
  • Choose the order of the tags


  • Save your own profiles
  • Download Community profiles
  • Test community profiles without downloading them
  • An alert shows up if the app detects that some values a too high
  • Listen to equalizer changes in real time


The app needs a tiny bit of cleanup but it will be soon available for free for Windows, MacOS and Linux!

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