
Fcc Js Frameworks Certificate

My projects to complete the Front End Development Libraries certification. See https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/front-end-development-libraries/

My Free Code Camp Frontend Libraries Certification Projects

See this site live at https://fcc-js-frameworks-certificate.patrickmccartney.dev

This site is built with Astro, React, and Svelte to complete the Free Code Camp Frontend Development Libraries Certification. The course covers Bootstrap, jQuery, SASS, React, and Redux. For the final projects I chose React and Svelte since I usually use Ember.js for work, but you should be able to use any framework and Astro supports quite a few.


  • yarn install or npm install
  • yarn start or npm start


  • yarn build or npm build
  • The dist folder can now be uploaded or served wherever you like.

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