Almost Accurate Weather

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An honest and fun weather application. Built using the API which requires a gridpoint and retreiving that gridpoint requires having a geolocation. To get a geolocation your browser location is requested. To allow viewing weather in other locations we are making use of the free geocoding API Nominatim.

Sveltekit documention


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with pnpm install (use corepack enable if using node 16.3 or newer, else see pnpm documentation), start a development server:

pnpm dev


This site uses the sveltekit static adapter which outputs the build site to the build folder. You can make use of workers/serverless functions with sveltekit, but this site doesn't need anything fancy.

pnpm build

You can preview the built app with pnpm preview, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.

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