

DropIt simplifies drag-and-drop functionality in Svelte applications


Drag and drop librairie for svelte application


DropIt is a study project with the potential to become a serious project. We are keen to receive feedback on it or ideas for new features.

The library is currently under development and functionality is limited.



To use DropIt in your Svelte application, you need to install it first. You can do this via npm:

npm install svelte-dropit

Dragging Items

DropIt provides a simple API to enable dragging behavior for DOM nodes. Import the drag function and use it as follows:

import { drag } from 'svelte-dropit';

// Example usage in Svelte component
    import { drag } from 'svelte-dropit';

    let items = [...]; // Your array of items

    const onDrag = () => {
        // Callback function when dragging occurs
        // You can add your custom logic here

    {#each items as item (item.id)}
        <li use:drag={{ item, onDrag }}>
            <!-- Your item content -->

Dropping Items

To handle the drop action, use the drop function:

import { drop } from 'svelte-dropit';

// Example usage in Svelte component
    import { drop } from 'svelte-dropit';

    const onDrop = (colName, item) => {
        // Callback function when an item is dropped
        // You can update the item's column or perform any other action
        console.log(item, colName);

<ul use:drop={{ colName: 'yourColName', onDrop }}>
    <!-- Droppable area content -->

Make sure to replace 'yourColName' with the appropriate column name.

The drop calls the method you pass as a parameter with the following parameters:

  • the name of the column
  • the drop element


Check out our doc with the demo


MIT © Mathieu Parinet and Jacky Truong

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