Simple Task Manager with Astro, Svelte, Prisma and Node.js.
Install node modules: npm install
Build project: npm run build
Run project: npm run preview
Open browser localhost:4321.
4.1. Press button 'Add new task' to add new task in Manager. 4.2. Hover mouse to a row and find icon 'Pencil' in the end of the row. Press icon 'Pencil' to edit current task in Manager. Press icon 'Pencil' once more to save your local updates in the database. 4.3. Hover mouse to a row and find icon 'Trash' in the end of the row. Press icon 'Trash' to delete current task from Manager. 4.4. Press button 'Filter tasks' to show task filters in the first row of Manager. 4.5. Type a word in filter 'Title' or 'Description' to show a task which includes your filter word in title or description, respectively. Clear all characters from filter 'Title' or 'Description' to show all tasks again. 4.6. Select priority in filter 'Priority' to show a task with such a priority level. 4.7. Select a date in filter 'Due date' to show a task with such a due date. 4.8. Press checkbox 'Completed' to show a completed or not completed task. Pressed checkbox state means only completed tasks are shown in Manager. Indeterminate checkbox state means only not completed tasks are shown. Not pressed checkbox state means all tasks are shown in Manager. 4.9. Press button 'Filter tasks' once more to hide task filters. 4.10. Press button 'Clear tasks' to delete all tasks from Manager.