fivem_lua_svelte_boilerplate Svelte Themes


FiveM Lua & Svelte Boilerplate

This boilerplate provides a modern Svelte setup specifically designed for being compatible with the CfxLua runtime.


  • Fast Build System: Powered by Vite for quick and efficient development.
  • Flexible Workflows: Supports both browser and in-game development, making it versatile for various scenarios.
  • CfxLua Runtime Compatibility: Seamlessly integrates with the CfxLua runtime for FiveM applications.


Getting Started


The boilerplate was built pnpm but is still compatible with npm.

  1. Clone the repository or use the template option and place it within your resources folder.
  2. Go to the web folder within a terminal of your choice and type pnpm i or npm i.


Web | Scripts

  • (pnpm or npm) run dev – Starts the development server.
  • (pnpm or npm) run build – Builds the project.
  • (pnpm or npm) run build:watch – Builds the project and watches for changes.
  • (pnpm or npm) run check – Runs type checking and validation for the project.

Web | LocaleProvider

<!-- `LocaleProvider` retrieves the locale from the Lua side using `ox_lib` locales. If you're in the browser, it will return an empty string, so ensure you set a default value for your text. -->
<!-- Example: -->
<script lang='ts'>
  import { Locale } from '../Utils/LocaleProvider';
  let counterText = 'Counter:';
  let incrementText = 'Increment';
  let decrementText = 'Decrement';
  const loadLocales = async () => {
    counterText = await Locale('counter');
    incrementText = await Locale('increment');
    decrementText = await Locale('decrement');


Web | VisibilityProvider

<!-- `VisibilityProvider` is a component that manages the visibility state of its children. -->
<!-- To enable toggling the visibility of its children, you must specify a `component` name as a string. -->
<!-- You can then toggle visibility using the specified name, either from the client or with `SendNuiMessage`. -->
<!-- Use `SendNuiMessage` with the format: `'setVisible<NameOfYourComponent>'`. -->
<!-- Example: -->
<VisibilityProvider component='Counter'>
  <Counter />

Web | TriggerNuiCallback

// Triggers a callback registered with the REGISTER_NUI_CALLBACK native.
// Example:
TriggerNuiCallback<unknown>('setPlayerInfo', playerInfo).then(data => {
  // Whatever logic you want here

Web | HandleNuiMessage

// `HandleNuiMessage` is a hook that listens for events sent from the client and invokes a handler when an event with the specified action is received.
// Example:
HandleNuiMessage<unknown>('getPlayerInfo').then(data => {
  // Whatever logic you want here

Web | SendNuiMessage

// Example:
// This simulates the SEND_NUI_MESSAGE native in the development environment.
// Expects an array as the 1st arg and the 2nd args its the delay in ms.
  {action: 'setVisibleCounter', data: true}
], 0);

Lua | handleNui

-- The data type is located on the types.lua
-- Example:
  local data = {message = {action = 'setVisibleCounter', data = true}, focus = true}

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