Getting Started
The boilerplate was built pnpm
but is still compatible with npm
folder within a terminal of your choice and type pnpm i
or npm i
Web | Scripts
or npm
) run dev
– Starts the development server.pnpm
or npm
) run build
– Builds the project.pnpm
or npm
) run build:watch
– Builds the project and watches for changes.pnpm
or npm
) run check
– Runs type checking and validation for the project.Web | LocaleProvider
<!-- `LocaleProvider` retrieves the locale from the Lua side using `ox_lib` locales. If you're in the browser, it will return an empty string, so ensure you set a default value for your text. -->
<!-- Example: -->
<script lang='ts'>
import { Locale } from '../Utils/LocaleProvider';
let counterText = 'Counter:';
let incrementText = 'Increment';
let decrementText = 'Decrement';
const loadLocales = async () => {
counterText = await Locale('counter');
incrementText = await Locale('increment');
decrementText = await Locale('decrement');
Web | VisibilityProvider
<!-- `VisibilityProvider` is a component that manages the visibility state of its children. -->
<!-- To enable toggling the visibility of its children, you must specify a `component` name as a string. -->
<!-- You can then toggle visibility using the specified name, either from the client or with `SendNuiMessage`. -->
<!-- Use `SendNuiMessage` with the format: `'setVisible<NameOfYourComponent>'`. -->
<!-- Example: -->
<VisibilityProvider component='Counter'>
<Counter />
Web | TriggerNuiCallback
// Triggers a callback registered with the REGISTER_NUI_CALLBACK native.
// Example:
TriggerNuiCallback<unknown>('setPlayerInfo', playerInfo).then(data => {
// Whatever logic you want here
Web | HandleNuiMessage
// `HandleNuiMessage` is a hook that listens for events sent from the client and invokes a handler when an event with the specified action is received.
// Example:
HandleNuiMessage<unknown>('getPlayerInfo').then(data => {
// Whatever logic you want here
Web | SendNuiMessage
// Example:
// This simulates the SEND_NUI_MESSAGE native in the development environment.
// Expects an array as the 1st arg and the 2nd args its the delay in ms.
{action: 'setVisibleCounter', data: true}
], 0);
Lua | handleNui
-- The data type is located on the types.lua
-- Example:
local data = {message = {action = 'setVisibleCounter', data = true}, focus = true}