
A quick and easy way to get a dev environment for svelteKit + express running.

How to use

Ensure that Docker is installed on your system. You can download Docker for your specific system here.


Use the provided Makefile to manage the containers. If you don't have GNU Make installed you can do that by using you favorite package-manager:

MacOS: Homebrew

Windows: Chocolatey

Linux: you know what you are doing ;)

Use Makefile:

Initially use make create to create the containers and run the installation. After that you can use make start to start the containers and make stop to stop them.

⚠️ If you add dependecies to your project you have to run make create to install the packages. After that you can use make start again.

Note: If you are already familiar with Docker you can use the specific commands to start and manage the containers.

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