Easy-Encryption Svelte Themes

Easy Encryption

Web application built with Svelte that allows for easy encryption/decryption of text with a clean and modern UI.

Easy Encryption

Easy Encryption is a Svelte-based web application that provides a simple and intuitive interface for encrypting and decrypting text. It uses AES encryption from the crypto-ts library, allowing users to securely transform plaintext into ciphertext and vice versa.


  • Encrypt Text: Convert plain text into encrypted text using a custom password.
  • Decrypt Text: Revert encrypted text back to its original form using the same password.
  • Clipboard Integration: Easily copy encrypted/decrypted text to the clipboard or paste input text from the clipboard.
  • Dynamic UI: The app dynamically switches between encryption and decryption modes with a clean and responsive design.


Encrypting Text

  1. Select the Encrypt button from the navigation bar.
  2. Enter the text you want to encrypt in the input box.
  3. Provide a password for encryption in the password input field.
  4. The encrypted text will appear in the output box. You can copy it to the clipboard by clicking the "Copy" icon.

Decrypting Text

  1. Select the Decrypt button from the navigation bar.
  2. Paste the encrypted text in the input box.
  3. Provide the same password used for encryption.
  4. The decrypted text will appear in the output box. You can copy it to the clipboard by clicking the "Copy" icon.

Clipboard Integration

  • Paste from Clipboard: Click the "Paste" icon in the input box to automatically paste clipboard content.
  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy" icon in the output box to copy the result.


This application also exposes an API endpoint to perform encryption and decryption operations programmatically.

API Usage Guide


POST /api


This API endpoint allows users to encrypt or decrypt text using a password.

Request Format

The request must be sent as a POST request with a JSON body.

Request Headers

Header Value
Content-Type application/json

Request Body

The request body should be a JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Required Description
action string ✅ Yes Either "encrypt" or "decrypt"
text string ✅ Yes The text to be encrypted or decrypted
password string ❌ No The password for encryption/decryption (defaults to an empty string if not provided)

Example Requests

Encrypt a Message

POST /api
  "action": "encrypt",
  "text": "Hello, World!",
  "password": "mypassword123"

Decrypt a Message

POST /api
  "action": "decrypt",
  "text": "EncryptedTextHere",
  "password": "mypassword123"

Response Format

The API returns a JSON response with the encryption or decryption result.

Successful Response

  "result": "EncryptedOrDecryptedTextHere"

Error Responses

Status Code Message Cause
400 "Action is required" Missing action field
400 "Text is required" Missing text field
400 "Invalid action" Action is not "encrypt" or "decrypt"
401 "Invalid password" Decryption failed due to incorrect password
400 "Body cannot be empty" Request body is empty


  • If the decryption fails due to an incorrect password, the API will return a 401 Unauthorized response.
  • Ensure that your request body is properly formatted as JSON.

Technologies Used


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

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