web-dbt Svelte Themes

Web Dbt

My personal website using Svelte(Kit) and DaisyUI/Tailwind CSS


by this guy aka me

Project description

This repository contains my personal website, built with some amazing tools I always wanted to try out.

I doubt there is much value to be gained for anyone here, but feel free to get inspired anyway.

Who this project is for

This project is intended for myself as a coding practice and to have a nice looking website free from BS.

Project dependencies

  • a reasonably fast computer for development
  • basic familiarity with TypeScript/JavaScript/Svelte
  • a GitHub OAuth access token for API requests to increase rate limit
  • an SMTP mail server to send contact form data

Instructions for using web-dbt


  1. Clone the repository locally
  2. npm install


  1. Copy env.dist to .env and fill out values
  2. (optional) adjust Tailwind and DaisyUI theme settings to your liking (intailwind.config.js)


npm run dev


To create a production version:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

Contributing guidelines

With this being a personal website, I doubt anyone would bother writing pull requests.

Terms of use

This code is licensed under the GPL v3.

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