
Rest Countries Api App

Solution to the Rest Countries API App challenge by Frontend Mentor. Built with Sveltekit + TypeScript + WindiCSS + Vitest + Vite.

Frontend Mentor - REST Countries API with color theme switcher solution

This is a solution to the REST Countries API with color theme switcher challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • See all countries from the API on the homepage
  • Search for a country using an input field
  • Filter countries by region
  • Click on a country to see more detailed information on a separate page
  • Click through to the border countries on the detail page
  • Toggle the color scheme between light and dark mode (optional)


My process

Built with

  • Responsive Design
  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Svelte + Sveltekit
  • TypeScript
  • WindiCSS
  • Vitest
  • Vite

What I learned

Color Theme

I had to come up with a color theme implementation. I solved it by creating a custom Svelte store.

export function useDarkTheme(initialValue: ColorTheme, localStorageKey: string) {
    const { subscribe, set, update } = writable(initialValue, (set) => {
        if (browser) {
            const theme = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKey);
            switch (theme) {
                case 'DARK': {
                case 'LIGHT': {
                default: {
                    const theme = preffersDarkTheme() ? 'DARK' : 'LIGHT';
                    theme === 'DARK' ? setDarkTheme() : setLightTheme();
                    localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, theme);
    return {
        set(this: void, value: ColorTheme) {
            value === 'DARK' ? setDarkTheme() : setLightTheme();
            localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, value);
        toggle(this: void) {
            update((theme) => {
                const newTheme = theme === 'DARK' ? 'LIGHT' : 'DARK';
                newTheme === 'DARK' ? setDarkTheme() : setLightTheme();
                localStorage.setItem(localStorageKey, newTheme);
                return newTheme;

Then I initialise it once in a seperate file so that it is accessible everywhere in the app!

    import { theme } from '../stores';

    $: themeIcon = $theme === 'DARK' ? 'bx-sun' : 'bx-moon';
    $: themeText = $theme === 'DARK' ? 'Light' : 'Dark';

    class="flex items-center gap-3 | rounded-sm focus-ring focus:(dark:ring-offset-blue-700 ring-offset-gray-98 ring-offset-6)"
    aria-label="toggle color theme"
    <span class="sr-only" id="theme-toggler-label">
        Change color theme from dark to light or light to dark
    <i class="bx {themeIcon} text-lg" />
    <span> {themeText} Theme </span>

List Filtering

Filtering the countries was troublesome since I wanted to do optimisations and I had faced this problem only once when I built a movies app using React and Redux (yuck!) and well... it kind of worked. So I didn't know how I would do this in Svelte but at the end of the day I decided that maybe I should just get the work done and don't worry about performance too much since the pagination I implemented improved it a ton! since Svelte has only to render 16 countries at once and the images are lazy loaded!

export function filterByName<T extends { name: string }>(countries: T[], name: string) {
    return countries.filter((country) =>;

export function filterByNameAndRegion<T extends { name: string; region: string }>(
    countries: T[],
    name: string,
    region: string
) {
    return countries.filter((country) => country.region === region &&;

export function filterByRegion<T extends { region: string }>(countries: T[], region: string) {
    return countries.filter((country) => country.region === region);

$: {
    if (lowerName || region) {
        if (lowerName && region)
            filteredCountries = filterByNameAndRegion(countries, lowerName, region);
        else if (lowerName) filteredCountries = filterByName(countries, lowerName);
        else if (region) filteredCountries = filterByRegion(countries, region);
    } else filteredCountries = countries;

$: paginated = paginate({ items: filteredCountries, currentPage, pageSize: 16 });

Then I just render the paginated countries.

{#each paginated as country, index (index)}
        <Country {country} />


Yep. I had to come up with a solution for the pagination. I initilly tried to use a library for it but it was old and didn't have TypeScript support nor meet my styling spectations... so I had to go the hard way and get it done all on my own. Although I took a function from that library and improved it a little bit I guess. I used Vitest to make sure it worked properly, at least in a certain number of scenarios. I know it may need more testing and improvements but it works well enough and I am content.

export function getPages(configuration: {
    currentPage: number;
    totalPages: number;
    limit?: number;
}) {
    let { currentPage, totalPages, limit } = configuration;

    if (Math.ceil(totalPages) <= 0 || currentPage <= 0) return [1];

    let start = 1;
    let lastPage = Math.ceil(totalPages) + 1; // + 1 -> range max is exclusive

    currentPage = currentPage > totalPages ? Math.ceil(totalPages) : currentPage;

    if (limit === 0) return [currentPage];
    if (typeof limit === 'number' && limit > 0) {
        let limitLastPage = currentPage + limit + 1;
        lastPage = limitLastPage > lastPage ? lastPage : limitLastPage;
        let limitStart = currentPage - limit;
        start = limitStart > 0 ? limitStart : 1;

    if (currentPage === lastPage - 1) {
        if (currentPage === 1) return range(start, lastPage);
        return [...range(start, currentPage), currentPage];

    if (currentPage === 1) {
        return [currentPage, ...range(currentPage + 1, lastPage)];

    return [...range(start, currentPage), currentPage, ...range(currentPage + 1, lastPage)];

export function paginate<T>(configuration: { items: T[]; currentPage: number; pageSize: number }) {
    const { items, currentPage, pageSize } = configuration;
    const totalPages = Math.ceil(items.length / pageSize);
    if (currentPage >= totalPages) return items.slice((totalPages - 1) * pageSize);
    return items.slice((currentPage - 1) * pageSize, (currentPage - 1) * pageSize + pageSize);

export function range(min: number, max: number) {
    if (min === max) return [min];
    return [...Array(Math.floor(max - min)).keys()].map((i) => i + min);

Import and paginate the filtered pages and pass it!

import { paginate } from '$lib/paginate';

$: paginated = paginate({ items: filteredCountries, currentPage, pageSize: 16 });
<Pagination bind:currentPage items={filteredCountries} pageSize={16} />

I made the pagination component renderless so that I can decide what I render. It only exposes core functions and variables.

<script lang="ts">
    import { getPages } from './';

    export let items: unknown[] = [];
    export let currentPage = 1;
    export let pageSize = 15;
    export let limit: number | undefined = undefined;

    $: totalPages = Math.ceil(items.length / pageSize);
    $: if (currentPage > totalPages && totalPages > 0) currentPage = totalPages;
    $: pages = getPages({ currentPage, totalPages, limit });

    const go = {
        first() {
            currentPage = 1;
        last() {
            if (currentPage > 0) currentPage = totalPages;
        next() {
            if (currentPage < totalPages) currentPage++;
        previous() {
            if (currentPage > 1) currentPage--;
        to(page: number) {
            if (page > totalPages || page < 0) return;
            currentPage = page;

{#if totalPages > 1}
    <slot {go} {pages} {totalPages} />

Useful resources



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