CloudChat firebase app
Cloudchat is a social media app that allows users to create and manage custom chatrooms and have conversations with people online.
Made using Svelte.js, TailwindCSS and Firebase.
- Create custom chat rooms
- Secure conversations
- Authenticate using only Google account
- Simple UI
- Light / Dark modes
Tech stack
- Svelte.js (Frontend framework)
- Tailwind CSS (UI design)
- Firebase (Backend and database)
Setup guide
- Create a new firebase web app in the firebase console.
- Copy your app's configuration object and place it in src/App.svelte file.
- Run the following command in the terminal to install the required dependencies : npm install
- Run the following command in the terminal to start the app : npm run dev
- Run the following command in another terminal to build the css : npx tailwindcss -i ./public/tailwind.css -o ./public/global.css --watch
Click here to view the deployed application