
Svelte Color Picker

Task ID: ColorQuest

Front-end Web Development, Svelte

Mentors: J Hariharan (+91 8050030224), Harshit Gupta (+91 8583905686)

Difficulty: Easy

Description Build a HSV-based color picker application similar to Google Color Picker, using Svelte. The picker should allow all three degrees of freedom (as in the Google Picker - hue with bottom slider, saturation on horizontal axis, value on vertical axis); any layout can be used to achieve this. It should also support 5 color formats (HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV), allowing the user to input a value in any of these formats to change the selected color. Clicking and dragging the mouse on the slider or picker should also change all 5 values in real time.

Solution Reference :

Called the CDN link for Pickr and just modified changes in the javascript file where I made the backgournd panel to change to whatever colour the user choses in real time. The CDN includes all the required features for the task.

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