flask-svelte-chat Svelte Themes

Flask Svelte Chat

A simple real-time chat app built with Flask, Svelte, and SocketIO.


A simple real-time chat app built with Flask, Svelte, and SocketIO.

Getting Started

# From root of this repo...
python3 -m venv ./venv # create virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate  # "activate" virtual environment
pip install -r requirements.txt # install python deps
flask run # run backend server (watches files for changes)

# In another terminal...
cd client # our frontend code is in the client directory
yarn # install frontend deps
yarn dev # run frontend build task (watches files for changes)


Once you have the app running, you should be able to access it at localhost:5000/. Try opening it in two separate browser tabs and sending some messages. You should be able to switch between tabs and see the messages appear, without any need for a page refresh.

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