svelte-svg Svelte Themes

Svelte Svg

Collect SVG icons to create a single Svelte component to import from

Svelte-SVG - All your svg icons in one place

Svelte SVG is a web app built with SvelteKit that allows users to collect SVG icons from anywhere on the web or downloaded svg files to create a single Svelte component to import from. Each icon in the generated Svelte component extends props such as class, style; making it simple to use and customize.

Getting Started

  • Visit
  • Paste your svg texts OR..
  • Upload your downloaded SVG files
  • Name your Component (initial names are auto generated using random-words)
  • Click "~ Generate Component ~"
  • Copy and paste or download Icons.svelte to $lib folder

Using your Icons Component

In you main page, Import your Icons component to where you're using it

    import Icons from '$lib/Icons.svelte';
<Icons icon="SvelteSVG" class="h-12 w-12 fill-primary-content" style="" />


icon Icon name (from your input Uses Typescript for Intellisense)
class Pass class (e.g. tailwind classes)
style Pass styles (e.g. 'fill: blue;')

Next Steps

[ ] Minify and validate SVG [ ] Error Handling [ ] SVG inner CSS styles conflicts [ ] Allow import previous components [ ] Export with Icon Guide (click to copy feature) [ ] Integrate DB for shareable collections [ ] Dark Mode!


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, bug fixes, or new features to propose, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's make this tool even better together!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to me at

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