svelte-daisyui-toast Svelte Themes

Svelte Daisyui Toast

Website · NPM Package

Svelte DaisyUI Toast

A simple toaster component for Svelte with DaisyUI.
Inspired by Svelte French Toast.


npm install @natoune/svelte-daisyui-toast
pnpm install @natoune/svelte-daisyui-toast
yarn add @natoune/svelte-daisyui-toast


Mount a <Toaster /> at the top level of your app and use the toast API to display toasts.

    import toast, { Toaster } from '@natoune/svelte-daisyui-toast'

    function handleClick() {
        toast.success('Hello, world!')

<Toaster />
<button type="button" onclick={handleClick}>Toast</button>

For more usage examples, see the website.


Thanks to the original author of Svelte French Toast and its contributors.

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