
Theme Generator

A little website to create themes for game jams or others competitions.

Theme Generator

A little website that generates themes for a game jam, or any other competition.


# To install the dependicies
$ npm install

# To run the project
$ npm run dev

Themes list

The list is contained in the src/lib/themes.ts file.

  • Space
  • Summer
  • Mountain
  • Sport
  • Emoji
  • Dice
  • Winter
  • Water
  • The future
  • Technology
  • Love
  • Magic
  • Nature
  • Underground
  • Beach
  • Past
  • Snow
  • Colors
  • Trees
  • Tunnels
  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Rabbit
  • Elephant
  • City
  • Car
  • Fruit
  • Meat
  • Night
  • Magnet

Top categories

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